Wednesday, September 03, 2008


We went to playgroup today and Hannah missed her second nap. She was SUPER TIRED when we got home but she would NOT GO TO SLEEP! Here are some pics I took of her after I put her down~I came back in about 10 minutes later to check on her and she was standing up in her crib, wide eyed and bushy tailed! Sooooo so TIRED BABY! But she had a tricky look!!

This one is for my mom and Randy's mom. I know they both wish that we were closer so they could see Hannah more often. Here's what we did today.I got up with Hannah and ate breakfast, and then she got to try out the new swing Randy bought yesterday. She liked it, but you could tell she had butterflies in her tummy!
Then Dad woke up and Hannah played with Rio for a bit.

This is the way we have the family room right now. It is blocked off so Hannah cannot get out. It is just the ottoman right there, so probably in a few months she will be able to get out, but its OK for now, until I figure things out a litle more. I still need to do a few more things, like get rid of that plant in there and put a foamy thing over the fireplace.

Hannah gets pretty loud when she eats breakfast. She likes to YELL DADA. Don't think she knows what she is saying yet, (that Randy is DADA) but I'm sure that will come soon....

This one is for my uncle Royal, who has been my dentist for, whole life. Because of him I was never scared of the dentist, although it was a little traumatic to have to go to someone else for the first time at in my late 20's, after moving away. Hannah has started brushing her two lower central incisors, at the tender age of 7 months. HAHA

She eyes the toothbrush....

not quite sure what to do with it...

this is fun!

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