Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Official Halloween Pics

OK, trying to catch up on the last part of 2009! Here are the official Halloween pics, taken by my good friend Marian, a budding photographer. It was a TOUGH day for all of us, but we did get a few good ones! Hannah the bee did NOT want to wear her bee hood, and Cole the monkey was about as mad as Cole the froggie, so in the end we went with the pumpkin onesie which was cute also. I think the last pic captures the essence of the kids' feelings about Halloween costumes! HAHA

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chicken Dance

From Octoberfest

Hannah and Jo Jo

Jo Jo and James came for a visit a few weeks ago. Jo and Hannah are fast friends, and Jo loves helping out with Cole too!

Halloween Preview

We found some really cute Halloween costumes at the used baby store in town. Unfortunately, neither of the kids were too excited about wearing them! We are going to have to think of something clever to get them to smile for the pictures. Hmmmm.
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