Tuesday, September 02, 2008


We have not been getting such great sleep around here lately. On top of Hannah's teething, a few nights ago at around 3 am, Rio went CRAZY barking at something outside. I was just finishing up work so I went out and this is what I saw. YUCK!! I tried to scare it away with a rake but it didn't want to move from its spot on the fence. This went on for awhile and Randy woke up finally and came down and got rid of it for us. And not the way he did with the one in Redlands, rest its soul. Hopefully we don't see this little guy again around these parts!

Last week I had a few of my colleagues from Virtual Radiologic come into town. They took us all out to the Fish House in Solana Beach, so I got to meet a few of the other radiologists. I felt like I knew them already because we frequently IM each other for a second opinion if we have a tough case, but it was really nice to meet in person.

We took Hannah along for show and then Karyn picked her up from the restaurant during happy hour, before dinner. Here are pictures of Hannah with Julie Shields and Cynthia McKee from VRC.
They are from the physician relations team. IE it is their job to keep us doctors happy!

This is me with two of the other radiologists from my company, Karen Alderholdt and Courtney Carter. They both live in the SD area.

1 comment:

Hemant Saluja said...

The animal that stands in your picture is looking very dangerous. Those eyes are looking so dangerous.
