Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've Been Workin' on the Railroad

The latest toy around here is a choo choo train. She can sit on top, or disconnect it and push the engine around like a walker (not that she needs THAT anymore!) I know I always said our baby would play with sticks and rocks BUT....OK maybe Ive succombed a little to modern advertising:) The other day I caught myself walking around Walmart, just ITCHING to find a few fun toy to spend my money on. Pretty sad, I know. I am justifying it to myself because the train also talks and teaches the alphabet and numbers and stuff. OH, and I also got the xyelophone in the background, but that was a MUST since I had the same one when I was a kid. We will hopefully be able to get a lot of use out of these and then we will be sure to pass them on to another friend's baby someday.
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